Campsites & Rates

No Hookups

Daily: $45.00 tax included
Weekly: $270.00 tax included

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Water/Electric 30 Amp

Daily: $53.00 tax included
Weekly: $318.00 tax included

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Water/Electric 50 Amp

Daily: $59.00 tax included
Weekly: $354.00 tax included

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Water/Electric 30 Amp/Sewer/Cable

Daily: $62.00 tax included
Weekly: $372.00 tax included

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Water/Electric 50 Amp/Sewer/Cable

Daily: $69.00 tax included
Weekly: $414.00 tax included

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Group Site

Daily: $65.00 tax included
Weekly: $390.00 tax included

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Listed rates include 2 adults and their own children under the age of 17.
Extra persons pay an additional charge.
Limit 4 adults per site, and no more than 7 people per site, excluding all RV and cabin rentals.
Daily Visitor Fee:
$7.00 Adults and Teens
$5.00 Children 2-12 years old
Overnight Visitor Fee:
$12.00 Adults and Teens
$7.00 Children 2-12 years old
14 day cancellation notice required for a refund.
$20.00 service charge applies for cancellations.
Check-In Time: 1:00 PM (2:00 PM for RV & Cabin Rentals)
Check-Out Time: 12:00 Noon

Pine Haven Campground

Pine Haven Campground
29 Pine Haven Campground Rd • PO Box 43
Wentworth, NH 03282

Office: (603) 786-2900
Reservations: 1 800 370-PINE



© Pine Haven Campground. All rights reserved.

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