2025 Activity Schedule

This schedule is continually being updated. Please check back often to see what has been added.
Activities subject to change.

May 15

Opening Day

We open for the 2025 season at 1:00PM on May 15th.

May 15-18

Welcome Back Campers!

Set up your sites and say Hi to all your friends!

May 23-26

Memorial Day Weekend

Pool Opens for the Season / BINGO / Flashlight Candy Hunt
603 EATS (Food Cart) on Saturday from 5:00 - 8:00 PM. Robert Clarke (Magician/Juggler) on Sunday at 4:00 PM.

May 30 - June 1

Meet the Dogs

Meet all the campground dogs, and stop by the office for a treat. Campground Movie.

June 6-8

NH Free Fishing Day

Saturday, June 7th is New Hampshire’s Free Fishing Day. For information about NH Free Fishing Day click here: NH Free Fishing Day

June 13-15

Father’s Day Weekend

The weekend is special for Dads! Bring Dad to our Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundaes and Dad’s Ice Cream is free!
The Green House Pizza Truck will be here Friday, June 13th at 4:00 PM.
Laconia Bike Week begins on June 14th and runs through June 22nd. For more information click here.

June 20-22

Quechee Hot Air Balloon, Art and Music Fest

Visit Quechee for their Balloon, Craft, and Music Festival. For more information click here.
Laconia Bike Week ends on June 22nd.

June 27-29


July 3-6

Happy 4th of July!

Pie eating contest, bicycle parade, Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundaes, and lots more.
Check at the office for a schedule of local fireworks displays.
Saturday July 5th Cornhole Tournament.

July 11-13

Chicken BBQ with Smokin Bear BBQ

Back by popular demand and with a twist! This year, Smokin Bear BBQ will be rolling in with their PIT for some amazing chicken served right off the grate. Enjoy the delicious chicken, with all the fixings. Buy your tickets no later than June 28th. After June 28th, any remaining tickets will be available on a first come/first served basis. Buy your tickets early because we are limited to 75.

July 18-20

Christmas in July

Decorate your sites and celebrate Christmas!
Hayride / Movie / Arts & Crafts.

July 25-27

Christmas in July

Decorate your sites and celebrate Christmas!
Elf Hunt / Visit from Santa.

August 1-3

Chili Cook Off

Back by popular demand. Enter your favorite chili to win the 2025 Chili Apron … BRAGGING RIGHTS! or just come to sample the various chilis.

August 8-10

Prehistoric Weekend!

Dino Egg hunt / Dinosaur activities.
Reptile Show Saturday at 3:00 PM.

August 15-17

Wet & Wild Weekend!

Make sure you bring your bathing suits and water gear! Splash toys and water guns. Towels a must for this H20 filled weekend!

August 22-24

Sweets & Candy Weekend!

Enjoy a weekend filled with sweet treats! Candy Bar BINGO, Flashlight candy hunt, and lots more fun sweet treats!

August 29 - September 1

Labor Day Weekend!

Help us celebrate the traditional end of the summer season with lots of games and activities, including our Annual Corn Hole Tournament, Kids’ Crafts, Flashlight Candy Hunt, and more! Potluck breakfast on Sunday morning. This is the last weekend the pool will be open, so jump in and enjoy one last swim.
Saturday August 30th Shawna Jackson Band will perform in our open-air pavilion, with 603 EATS (Food Cart).
Sunday, August 31st Annual Corn Hole Tournament. Green House Pizza truck will be attending.


8th Annual Pig Roast & Octoberfest Beer Tasting

Join us Friday night in the Pavilion for our annual beer tasting Octoberfest! Come visit with old friends and make new ones. Bring a 6 pack of your favorite fall brew and an appetizer to snack on. Cups and utensils provided. Community Fire Pit will be blazing! Saturday Pig Roast: Potluck. Please bring a side! No Charge. Pork compliments of the Martins on site #33.

October 3-5

Pre-Halloween Weekend

This weekend enjoy several fun filled Halloween activities, including a costume contest! Bring your costumes and some Halloween candy for the kids. We will be decorating sites and trick or treating Saturday from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Green House Pizza truck will be here on Saturday from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.

October 10-13

Halloween Weekend

This is the last “big” weekend of the 2025 season. If you are brave enough, take a trip through the spook house and go for a ride on the Haunted Hayride. 603 EATS Food Truck will be here from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Sunday morning is our Potluck breakfast.

Pine Haven Campground

Pine Haven Campground
29 Pine Haven Campground Rd • PO Box 43
Wentworth, NH 03282

Office: (603) 786-2900
Reservations: 1 800 370-PINE

Email: info@pinehavencampground.com


© Pine Haven Campground. All rights reserved.

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